Getting Started

First things first, you need to have a GitHub account. If you all ready have one just skip to the next page.

OK so you don’t have an account, well lets create one. After all it is free to do so. Start by going to and click the signup link in the upper right corner.

GitHub Signup

Now fill in the fields giving yourself a username, your email, and a pretty strong password. Clicking the Create Account button when done.

GitHub Join

There maybe some verification steps, don’t panic just follow the instructions. Eventually you will get to the welcome screen. Select the options as you see fit and the click the Complete Setup Button when ready.

Lastly check your Inbox for a email from GitHub requesting you to verify your email. Click the link and log into GitHub with the previous created info.

Thats it. You now have a GitHub account set up, so lets move on and get some software installed.
